The WEB3D 2021 call for papers is out!

Published 31 March 2021
conference program

The WEB3D 2021 call for papers is out! Special track: "ONLINE LEGACIES AND CULTURAL HERITAGE". Plus: interactive posters, tutorials, Go and check the details.

Web3D 2021 is organized by ACM SIGGRAPH and Web3D Consortium in cooperation with CNR-ISTI Visual Computing Lab. Join researchers, technologists, and artists working with 3D graphics on the web!
The goal of the conference is to share innovative and creative ideas about web-based interactive 3D applications. Works related to various domains, including content creation, 3D printing, fabrication, publishing technologies, web tools, annotation, VR/AR, rendering, and many others, are welcome.
This year’s theme is “A Shared 3D Workspace” to emphasize the increasingly global scope and the wide impact of working together online, which has been the staple of the last year. The suddenly switch to remote teaching/working/interacting raised many urgent requests for new tools, systems, and paradigms. These new needs touched also the 3D world, prompting the Web3D community to foster and support the increasing development and use of 3D content in a shared online environment.